Tuesday, November 8, 2016

He's Here!!!

Trey Christian Mills was born on July 24th 2012 at 7:09 pm. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 1/2 inches long. He is so perfect (even with an extra little finger on his left hand)!

  The baby story: I had been having contractions all day and they were finally strong enough to go to St Marks hospital by about 5:30pm. I was dilated to a 5. After being hooked up to fluids and about a half hour of pretty hard contractions, I was able to get my epidural. Little did I know, it was not going to be able to catch my pain. It took the edge off for me (ie. I couldn't feel the contractions in my legs and back), but didn't work like the others I had. By 7:00 pm I was at a 10 and feeling pressure to push. That was the most pain I have ever been in in my life!!! I only pushed 2 or 3 times, per the norm and Trey was welcomed into the world by his daddy cutting the cord. I would not have made it through the whole thing without my loving husband by my side. After we made it to the recovery room, I had started getting a headache. It progressively got worse and worse and the medicine they gave me wouldn't even touch the headache. I found out that it was caused by my epidural and the spinal fluid was leaking. The only way for your body to fix it self is to lay flat on your back which relieves the headache and causes the spinal fluid to hopefully plug the whole it is leaking from. Unfortunately it didn't repair itself, so I had to get a blood patch done. They take blood from your arm and insert it into the site of the epidural so the blood will close the whole instead. It was almost immediate relief for about 24 hours and then the headache started back up again on friday night. Last night, my amazing hubby and awesome brother, Brian, gave me a blessing. That has totally helped, and hopefully, my body will still heal itself. The lucky part about the whole thing is that Trey is such a great little baby and has been a trooper. He is such a joy to have here and we couldn't love him more!!!

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