Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cabbage Patch Land

While we were in Georgia, we took Hallie to Cabbage Patch Land (AKA BabyLand)

She Loves babies right now and was so excited to go... almost as excited as I was to take her.
Brian and Jessica came with us and made the trip that much more enjoyable! Hallie loves them!
While we were there, there was a cabbage patch baby being born. They show you how they are born and let everyone as a group name the newborn. We yelled out Carter for the new cabbage patch kid's middle name.

Carter did so well... just slept the whole time! What a kid!
We bought Hallie a Cabbage Patch doll while we were there and let her pick it out! She loves it and I'm sure that Lilly (her doll) will make it on the blog eventually!


Jake, Camille, Kennedy & Jacob said...

Carter is such a cutie!!! I'm thinking Kennedy may need to go to that cabbage patch place when we go back to GA in May. Looks like so much!

Todd and Jenn said...

So happy your blogging again. I would love to take Annie to see the Cabbage Patch's. Annie has the shirt that Hallie has on. We should take have them wear them together;). Love the picture of Carter witht the sunglasses. He's sooo cute.

Josh and Melissa said...

Oh my word, it looks like you had so much fun at Christmas. So fun to see everyone! And by the way, Hallie and Carter are so cute! Just adorable!

Cheryl said...

Cabbage Patch clever...I didn't even know it existed but I would have loved it when I was a little girl. Glad you had an awesome holiday and got to be with the entire fun!

Regan and Annie Duckworth said...

Dear Michelle. Sorry.:)

Miss you and wish I would have called. Regan's grandma died while we were in town so we were busy helping out with arrangements. Hope your holidays were good.