Thursday, November 6, 2008


We hope that everyone had a Happy Halloween! I had to blog about these cute kids in their adorable costumes!
Hallie was a Falcon's Cheerleader. My mom and dad found it for her. Carter was a dragon or a dinosaur or something green with spikes. Wayne and Judy gave him his costume.
Hallie LOVED trick or treating this year. After the first house, she understood what to do and she was good to go after that.

We spent Halloween with my family because my mom was in town, but we weren't able to get a picture of all of the kids in their costumes together. So we dresses put them in the costumes just to get some pictures. My sister, Amy, and her husband, Jonathan, were in town with their kids. It was so great to see them and spend time with their kids. We don't get to see them too often.
(Hayden, Mason, Tanner, Jefferson & Hallie)


Hallie was crazy about pumpkins this Halloween! We would go on walks around the neighborhood just to find all the pumpkins. Grandma and Papa took her and her cousins to get pumpkins and she LOVED it! What a fun age she is at!
My mom and brother created this pumpkin. Pretty sweet, Huh?

This one was mine and Magic's and Hallie's. Let's be honest... Magic did all of the work, but it turned out very sweet, right?

Hope your Halloween was as fun as ours!


Jake, Camille, Kennedy & Jacob said...

Soooo cute! Im so glad we got to see you guys and Hallie and Carter in their cute costumes! Love the pics!

Cheryl said...

Way too long since I've checked your blog. First, congrats! Carter is just darling! Second, how fun you all got to be together for Halloween! The costumes are darling. Last, amazing job on the pumpkin...that is just awesome.

Alisha said...

That is so nice that most of the family could be there for Halloween! Carter is so cute and I am glad that Hallie is adjusting well to being a big sister!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

How fun that you could spend the weekend with your sisters and their kiddos!

j,d and little b said...

Fun! Your two little kiddos are sooooo cute! I am glad you got to see your family! Looks like a good time!

Mom said...

Michelle -- Thank you so much for coming to Andy's reception -- I know you must have been so tired, and the trip was long -- I did not get to visit with you very much, but I want you to know that it meant a lot to me that you were there. I really did. Carter is so adorable, and I am so glad I got a little peek at him! Take care - rest whenever you can. Sleep can become a very rare commodity.

love you


Angie said...

Carter is the cutest little dinosaur & Halle is a cute cheerleader! You better watch out. Anyway, I am glad things are going well. Can't wait to meet little Carter!

Unknown said...

You left out the part about it being past 9:00pm when you guys re-dressed the kids in their costumes. That made me laugh when Amber told me that. Your kids look so cute and yes your mom and brother did a great job on their pumpkin.

Cheryl said...

Magic with the mad pumpkin skills! What's up bro? It's your long lost friend, Skybox. Congrats, your kids are adorable. Is there any question what color their hair will be??